HAPPY NEW YEAR! …And Stuff Like That
Yes, yes… it is a New Year. 2025 to be exact. But what does that REALLY mean?
It is a new start, a “new you”. I don’t know, I kind of liked the old you… and me.
That being said, anything we can use to begin to be what we always wanted to be is ok with me.
So, that leads me to the question, “What do you want to be?” “Why are we here?” Man, that sounds like a rabbit hole. But let’s go there, together. Less scary when we are together and there is power in numbers, they say. Who are they anyway? That is another blog post.
I have always wanted to be an Artist. It is still a little hard to say that out loud. I am not sure why. I have been an artist for, arguably, my entire life. What do you have to Do to call yourself an Artist, without cringing or doing that Midwest apologizing thing?
I believe, with every fiber of me, that we are All Artists. We are artists of our lives, of our businesses, of our families and of our… ART. We create everything we do, say and, make. If we took the time and allowed ourselves the space, we are ALL Creatives. And I love that. I am rambling here, but I am truly passionate about this. Labels. Hello, my name is Julie and, I am an Artist.
If you told me what you are, what would you say? And when you said it, would you say it with confidence… with conviction? I hope so. Would you say it with pride. I really hope that.
And if, you don’t really know yet, Who You Are, a start of a new year is a good time to jump in and figure it out, or at least dip your toe in a couple of pools you are interested in. Right?
The next question posed was, “Why am I here?” Oh, now that one is a good one. Why, indeed. After years of soul searching on this one, I can answer… To learn. We are here to learn all about ourselves and our world. About other people and other places. We are here to learn lessons and to pass what we have learned on. For me, personally, I feel that I am here to love as much as I can and to pass that to everyone I meet. Whether through my friendship, or my teaching or my art. I share it with the couples I marry. All sorts of ways really. Why are You here? No need to answer right now. Maybe you need 2025 to think about it.. to find the answer and do something with it! If so, be sure to tell me when you come up with something. I am so excited for you!!
I am a big “writer downer”. At the start of every year, I write a list of goals and dreams. I get out my glue stick and add some photos. I use my fanciest writing and put some BIG WORDS down. I highly recommend doing this too. I hang it on my studio wall and walk past it every day. Some days I smile and some I give it a sideways glance daring something to happen. Haha.
My point is. It is the start of a new year. I am hesitant to say I want to be a better me or a new me. At the ripe oldish… not really… age of 60 (holy shit, I am 60) I like me. I would like to be a me with less fear, more calm, less want to be all the things to everyone me.
I want you to be You… that is it. Just YOU. I want both of us to be Unapologetically US. This year, I want to not apologize for going for a run when I want. For closing the door on my studio and just playing. For calling into work WELL. Hey, there is a concept. For looking in the mirror and accepting that I have some challenges that are perfectly fine; crooked fingers, a roundish belly, something screwed up with my hip and some wrinkles.
Mostly, I am concentrating on 2025 being a year of acceptance, adventure, enjoyment and love. Of myself and of my world. I hope you will join me in this. Because, you don’t want to be someone else. You are beautiful and wonderful just as you are. You just need more of that.
I got an email from an old and dear friend that said, “Enjoy the Moments”. God, when I read it, it made me tingly. Such a wonderful idea. Thanks, Bobby.
Enjoy all the moments of 2025 everyone. And Go For It! Whatever that means for YOU. Every step, big or small is a step forward. I believe in you. I want You to believe in you too.
I love you.